מקורות מידע דיגיטליים וקטלוג הספרייה

Search Library Collections (electronic and print books, articles etc.)
Electronic Books – VleBooks Platform (Read Online - Selective Subscriptions)
Electronic Books – VitalSource Platform (Electronic Loan - Selective Subscriptions)

Databases Covering All Fields of Science and Engineering

Springer Books & Journals 
Elsevier Physical Science and Engineering Journals (Science Direct) 
Wiley Books and Journals 
IEEE Database
ACM Digital Library
O'Reilly Catalog
Kotar Digital Hebrew Books (Humanities / Social Sciences)
Lamda Open University (Hebrew)​ 
Art and Architecture Source
JSTOR Arts & Sciences III Collection
JOVE science videos
Google Scholar
Google Books
ISO Standards 
Schaum's Outline Series 
Mathematical Handbook of Formulas and Tables
Reference books and booklets (Hebrew)

Databases Covering Selected Fields

CiteSeerX, Computer and Information Science
ArXiv Applied Mathematics
US Dept. of Energy
Nuclear information IAEA-INIS
PubMed Central
NASA Technical Reports
Agriculture and Applied Economics

Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineer's Handbook 
Materials Handbook 

Civil Engineering

Ministry of Construction and Housing (Israel)
Israel Building Standards - Hebrew (Guide) 
National Building Research Institute (The Technion) Research Reports - Hebrew
Dekel Construction Costs - Hebrew (Guide)
Construction Spec. - Hebrew
Sweets Construction
Israel Ministry of Transport
National Transportaion Lib. US
ASHRAE Standards (Read-Only)
National Fire Protection Association, Codes and Standards.  Requires registration. Free. (Read only).

Chemical Engineering

Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology 
Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry 
NIST Chemistry

Computer Science and Software Engineering

ACM Digital Library
O'Reilly Catalog.
IEEE Database.

Electrical and Electronics Engineering

IEEE Database 
Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 
Israel Electricity Law and Standards (in Hebrew)

Art and Architecture

Art and Architecture Source
JSTOR Arts & Sciences III Collection
Frieze (Guide)
Artstor Image Search
Google images
Pinterest (Requires free registration)
World International Design Database 


Student Projects on Moodle
MIT OpenCourseWare 
DSpace@MIT, MIT publications
Open Access Theses and Dissertations​
Scientific American (latest years)​
Oxford University Press Journals (archival pre-1995)
Library Physical Books
ULI - Israel Union Catalog

למאמרים נוספים בנושא ספריות:

אודות הספריות • שעות פעילות וסגלאזורי למידה וגישה מבחוץשימוש נאות וזכויות יוצריםשאלות ותשובות