פרסומים אחרונים
1. T. Hongphan, M. O. Cole, C. Chamroon and Z. Brand. Control System Design for Low Power Magnetic Bearings in a Flywheel Energy Storage System, Energy Engineering. Accepted.
2. Z. Brand, S. Arogeti and A. Yuhananov, Results on Chatter Reduction in Turning Process Through Active Inertial Actuator - Demonstration with an Experimental System, ICCAD'22, 6th International Conference on Control, Automation and Diagnosis, IEEE, 2022.
3. D. Lilienthal, Z. Brand and E. Fisher. Machine Learning Based Control Algorithm for Active Vibration Suppression of a Mechanical Flexure Hinge. Conference on “Machine Learning in Engineering (MLE-2022), 26 April 2022 at Shamoon College of Engineering, Beer Sheva, Israel.
4. T. Hongphan, M. O. Cole, C. Chamroon and Z. Brand. H-Infinity Controller Design for Efficiency Optimization of Magnetic Bearings in a Flywheel Energy Storage System. Third ICEP International Conference on Energy and Power, Thailand, 2021, pp. 245-251, November 2021.
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