פרופ' וופא אליאס

פרופ' וופא אליאס

Dr. Wafa Elias is a senior lecturer and the Head of Civil Engineering Department, SCE- Shamoon College of Engineering, and lecturer at the Transportation Research Institute, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology. Dr. Wafa Elias received her Ph.D. from the Technion, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, and since then has been involved in a lot of studies that deal with travel behavior, road safety and Sustainability and Security in Transport

Her research studies include factors that impact travel behavior and road safety among the Israeli Arab minority. In most of her studies, women issues play an important role in changes shown in behavioral patterns of children and drivers. She has published extensively in the area of travel behaviour and road safety


הנדסת בניין
פרופ' חבר
ראש המחלקה - אשדוד



אתר אישי



March, 2008-April, 2009   Post-Doctoral Research.  Institute of Transportation Studies, California, Berkeley, US.  Adviser: Prof. Cassidy, M.      

2005-2008  Ph.D. Urban and Regional Planning, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel.  Dissertation title: The Effect of Activity Patterns on Road Accidents: Case Studies of Bypassed Towns.  Adviser: Prof. Shiftan, Y., Prof. Toledo, T.

2002-2004  M.Sc. in Transportation Engineering.  The Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Israel.  Dissertation title: The influence of a bypass road on urban development and safety.  Adviser: Prof. Hakker, SH., Plaut, P.

1998-2000  M. URP  in Urban and Regional Planning.  The Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Israel. 

1983-1987  B.Sc. in Civil Engineering (Mapping and Geo-Information), Technion-Israel Institute of Technology.  The Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Israel.


תחומי מחקר

2013- 2015 Arab teens - What do they say, how do they behave, and how it is possible to improve their attitudes towards road safety?

2012- 2014 Building an intervention plan to increase road safety in Arab communities using community participatory methods.

2012- 2014 Self-enforcement of driving speeds.

2012- 2013 The Factors affecting the high rates of the Arab population involvement in inter-city road crashes.

2011- 2012 Mapping high risk locations using green boxes devices as a mean to efficient treatment.


Since 2012  B.Sc. program. Introduction to Highways Design.  

Since 2012  B.Sc. program. Surveying 1.  

Since 2012  B.Sc. program. Information retrieval.