ד"ר תום טריגנו

ד"ר תום טריגנו

Tom (Thomas) Trigano was born in Paris, France in 1978, and received an M.Sc. in engineering from the Telecom Paris Tech (France) and an M.Sc in Applied Probability from Paris VI University (France) in 2001. He recieved the Ph.D. degree in signal processing from the Telecom Paris Tech in 2005

From 2006 to 2008 he worked as a postdoctoral fellow atthe Hebrew University of Jersualem in the department of statistics. Since 2008 he is a senior lecturer in the Shamoon College of Engineering, Israel. His main research interests include applied statistics, statistical signal processing, pattern recognition and communications


הנדסת חשמל ואלקטרוניקה
מרצה בכיר


צלזיוס / 120-A

עמודים אישיים



2006-2008: Post-doctoral Fellow, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Department of Statistics. Advisor: Pr. Yaacov RITOV.

2002-2005: Ph.D in Signal Processing, (Sauma Cum Laude);  Telecom ParisTech – Department of Signal Processing. Advisor: Pr Eric MOULINES. Title: “Statistical signal processing for spectrometry: application to pileup correction for Gamma spectrometry”

2000-2001: M.Sc. in Applied Probability ; Paris 6 University – Department Probability and Statistics. Advisor: Pr Eric Moulines. Title: “On the asymptotic properties of Hill’s estimator”

1998-2001: M.Sc in Electrical Engineering (Cum Laude): Telecom ParisTech - Signal Processing, Majors in Signal and Image Processing.

1995-1998: B.S. in Mathematics (Cum Laude) Paris 7 University – Mathematics.

תחומי מחקר

Statistical signal processing, applied statistics, applications to signal processing to nuclear science and biomedical engineering, ECG data analysis

מענקי מחקר

2017: Erasmus mobility and Erasmus capacity

2006-2008: lady davis fellowship grant

שת"פ תעשייה

Collaboration with Aetrex technologies (development of image processing algorithms)


Signals and Systems, Probability and Statistics, Digital Signal Processing, Information Theory, Image Processing, Mathematical Tools for Engineering