ד"ר סבטלנה ברונשטיין

ד"ר סבטלנה ברונשטיין

[DSC00321] Svetlana Bronshtein was born in Leningrad, former USSR. She received the M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering, from Leningrad Polytechnic Institute in 1984, and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Ben-Gurion University in the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel in 2005

She worked with Mendeleev Research Institute, Leningrad, as Research Engineer, 1984-1991. From 1992, she worked as a Lecturer and Teaching Assistant at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Ben-Gurion University in the Negev. Since 2005 and till date she is a lecturer and researcher at Sami Shamoon College of Engineering, Beer-Sheva/Ashdod, Israel

Dr. Bronshtein is the author of several articles, patents and proceeding papers. Her fields of interest are in Power Electronics and Metrology

Dr. Svetlana Bronshtein is a Member of Israeli Society of Electric end Electronic Engineers


הנדסת חשמל ואלקטרוניקה
מרצה בכירה
באר שבע


307 איינשטיין (40)


2001-2005  Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering.  Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel.  Dissertation title: Piezoelectric Transformers in Power Electronics.  Adviser: Prof. Sam Ben-Yaakov.

1979-1984  B.Sc and M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering and Measurements.  Polytechnic University of Leningrad.  Dissertation title: Low power factor wattmeter.  Adviser: Dr. Efim Shapiro. 

תחומי מחקר

Since 2011  Resonant Power Converters and PT Converters (5 peer reviewed papers, + 6 papers in refereed conference volumes + 1 Book)

Since 2013  Multi-Level Power Inverters (1 peer reviewed paper + 1 paper in refereed conference volumes)

Since 2015  Rural Network Electrification (2 conference papers)

Since 2015  Control Circuits for Power Converters/Inverters (2 peer reviewed papers, 1 conference paper)


1.  Introduction to Electrical Engineering - Material Engineering, Ben Gurion University

2.  Introduction to Electrical Engineering 1, 2 - Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Sami Shamoon College of Engineering.

3.  Power Systems 1, 2 - Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Sami Shamoon College of Engineering

4.  Industrial Electronics - Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Sami Shamoon College of Engineering

5.  Energy Conversion - Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Sami Shamoon College of Engineering

6.  Digital Electronic Circuits - Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Sami Shamoon College of Engineering.

7. DC-DC Power Supplies - Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Sami Shamoon College of Engineering.

8. Electronics - Department of Mechanical Engineering. Sami Shamoon College of Engineering.

9.  Introduction to Digital Electronic Circuits - Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ben-Gurion University.