פרופ' סמיון לויצקי

פרופ' סמיון לויצקי

Education: has graduated from Voronezh State University, Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (Russia) in 1971. Ph.D. in Mathematics and Physics since 1981 (Institute of Thermophysics, Novosibirsk, Russia. Dissertation title: Dynamics and heat-mass transfer of bubbles in rheologically complex systems. Adviser: Prof. Shulman ZP

D.Sc. in Mathematics and Physics since 1991 (Institute of Multiphase Systems Mechanics, Tyumen, Russia. Dissertation title: Non-stationary dynamic and heat-mass transfer processes in polymeric liquids with bubbles. Adviser: Prof. Shulman ZP.) 


היחידה למתמטיקה
נשיא, פרופסור מן המניין
באר שבע

מנהלנית הפקולטה



205א שמעון (20)

רשתות חברתיות



1982-1991  D.Sc. (Habilitation Thesis) in Mathematics and Physics. Institute of Multiphase Systems Mechanics, Tyumen, Russia. Dissertation title: Non-stationary dynamic and heat-mass transfer processes in polymeric liquids with bubbles. Adviser: Prof. Shulman ZP.      

1972-1981  Ph.D. (Summa cum Laude) in Mathematics and Physics. Institute of Thermophysics, Novosibirsk, Russia. Dissertation title: Dynamics and heat-mass transfer of bubbles in rheologically complex systems. Adviser: Prof. Shulman ZP.     

1966-1971  M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. Voronezh State University, Russia. Dissertation title: Stability of non-Newtonian liquids flows on inclined plane. Adviser: Dr. Listrov, A.       

תחומי מחקר

Research interests are located in mathematical modeling, specifically of hydraulic systems; heat- and mass transfer processes; bubble dynamics in non-Newtonian liquids; boiling of polymeric solutions; wave propagation in different waveguides; acoustics of multiphase systems. Results of his studies are presented in more than 180 publications, including 2 monographs, chapter in a Handbook and 10 patents. Levitsky S. is a full member of the American Acoustical Society (since 2012); he was a manuscript reviewer in a number of Journals, including JASA, Acta Acustica, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Ultrasonics, Journal of Vibration and Control, etc. 

מענקי מחקר

2012-2013 Propagation of Elasto-Acoustical Waves. SCE, Grant from the Rafael Co., Israel.

1998-2000 Development of Mathematical Models and Tools for Diagnosis and Control of Three-Phase Reactor Performance, Blechner Center, Ben-Gurion University (in collaboration with Hershkovitz M., Shreiber I.). Grant from Ministry of Science, Israel.