ד"ר ריטה טרויצקי

ד"ר ריטה טרויצקי

Rita Troitsky is a teacher in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management at Shamoon College of Engineering SCE. Her areas of specialty are retirement, inequality and pension saving. She received her BA, MA (Summa Cum Laude) and PhD in Economics from Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel


הנדסת תעשייה וניהול
באר שבע


400יא בניין ד' (60)


2006-2011 Ph.D. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Department of Economics

1999-2003 M.A.(Summa cum Laude) Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Department of Economics

1996-1999 B.A. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Department of Economics

תחומי מחקר

Since 2015  Tax relief on the pension saving.


Since 2008  B.Sc. program. Microeconomics.  SCE - Sami Shamoon College of Engineering, Israel.

Since 2011  B.Sc. program. Principles of finance.  SCE - Sami Shamoon College of Engineering, Israel.

Since 2016  B.Sc. program. Marketing management.  SCE - Sami Shamoon College of Engineering, Israel.

Since 2016  B.Sc. program. Project profitability analysis.  SCE - Sami Shamoon College of Engineering, Israel.

Since 2015  B.A. program. The Price Theory.  Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel.


Contributed conference presentations


Achdut, L, Troitsky, R. Poverty transitions among older households. The 20th International Academic Conference, Madrid, Spain, 2015.


Achdut, L, Troitsky, R, Tur-Sinai, A. Transitions among States of Labor-Force Participation and Retirement Patterns: The Role of Demography, Health, Wealth, and Perception of Job Quality. The 4th SHARE Users Conference, Liege, Belgium, 2013.


Achdut, L, Troitsky, R, Tur-Sinai, A. Transitions between work and retirement: the role of demography, health and wealth. The 29th Israeli Conference of Economics, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2013.

4.    Terkel, E, Troitsky, R. The economic incentives and participation of elderly persons in labor force. The 18th Israeli Conference of Economics, Maale Hachamisha, Israel, 2002.


Other publications/reports

1.    Achdut, L, Troitsky, R. Tax reliefs for pension savings: proposals for changing the benefits model at the time of deposit. Working paper in Van Leer Jerusalem Institute 2016 (in Hebrew).

Achdut, L, Troitsky, R, Tur-Sinai, A. Transitions between states of labor- force participation among older Israelis. European Journal of Ageing 2015; 12: 39-49.
Achdut, L, Troitsky, R. Financial aid policy for families with children in 2012-2013: Who won and who lost, and how much? Working paper in Van Leer Jerusalem Institute 2014 (in Hebrew).

4.        Spivak, A, Troitsky, R. Pension reform In Israel. Public and Municipal Finance 2013; 2: 19-38.