ד"ר פולינה מטלניקוב
Dr. Polina Metalnikov is a lecturer in the Mechanical Engineering Department at SCE – Shamoon College of Engineering. She received her B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. in Materials Engineering at Ben-Gurion University. Under the supervision of Prof. Dan Eliezer, Dr. Guy Ben-Hamu and Prof. Yaniv Gelbstein, she studied the environmental degradation of additively manufactured structure materials. Her research focused on the relationship between processing, microstructure, corrosion and hydrogen-material interactions. She has published more than 10 peer-reviewed papers in international scientific journals
קורות חיים
2018-2024 Ph.D. in Material Engineering. Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. Dissertation title: Environmental Degradation of AM-Fabricated Structural Alloys. Advisors: Prof. Eliezer, D., Prof. Gelbstein, Y, and Dr. Ben-Hamu, G.
2015-2017 M.Sc. in Material Engineering. Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. Dissertation title: The effect of alloying elements on microstructure and corrosion behavior of wrought Mg-Al alloys. Advisors: Dr. Ben-Hamu, G, Prof. Eliezer, D. and Prof. Gelbstein, Y.
2011-2015 B.Sc. in Material Engineering. Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel.
תחומי מחקר
Materials characterization
Metal Additive Manufacturing
Environmental degradation of metals (corrosion, hydrogen embrittlement)
Material-hydrogen interactions
Material Science 1
Material Science 2
Laboratory in Material Science
P. Metalnikov, G. Ben-Hamu, Y. Templeman, K.S. Shin, L. Meshi, The relation between Mn additions, microstructure and corrosion behavior of new wrought Mg-5Al alloys, Materials Characterization 145, (2018) pp. 101-115.
G. Ben-Hamu, P. Metalnikov, D. Eliezer, K.S. Shin, Corrosion Mechanisms of New Wrought Mg-Al Based Alloys Alloying with Mn, Zn and Sn, Materials Science Forum 941, (2018), pp. 1880-1885.
P. Metalnikov, G. Ben-Hamu, D. Eliezer, K.S. Shin, Role of Sn in microstructure and corrosion behavior of new wrought Mg-5Al alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 777, (2019) pp. 835-849.
G. Ben-Hamu, P. Metalnikov, Development of New Wrought Mg Alloys: Improving the Corrosion Resistance by Addition of Alloying Elements, Diffusion Foundations 47, (2019) pp. 50-60.
P. Metalnikov, D. Eliezer, G. Ben-Hamu, E. Tal-Gutelmacher, Y. Gelbstein, C. Munteanu, Hydrogen embrittlement of electron beam melted Ti–6Al–4V, Journal of Materials Research and Technology 9, (2020) pp. 16126-16134.
P. Metalnikov, D. Eliezer, G. Ben-Hamu, Hydrogen trapping in additive manufactured Ti–6Al–4V alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A 811, (2021) p. 141050.
P. Metalnikov, G. Ben-Hamu, K.S. Shin, Relation Between Zn Additions, Microstructure and Corrosion Behavior of New Wrought Mg-5Al Alloys, Metals and Materials International 27, (2021) pp. 1493-1505
P. Metalnikov, G. Ben-Hamu, K.S. Shin, A. Eliezer, Effect of Ca Addition on Corrosion Behavior of Wrought AM60 Magnesium Alloy in Alkaline Solutions, Metals 11(8), (2021) p. 1172
P. Metalnikov, G. Ben-Hamu, D. Eliezer, Corrosion behavior of AM-Ti-6Al-4V: A comparison between EBM and SLM, Progress in Additive Manufacturing 7(3) (2022) pp. 209-520.
P. Metalnikov, D. Eliezer, G. Ben-Hamu, Hydrogen Trapping in Laser Powder Bed Fusion 316L Stainless Steel, Metals 12(20), (2022) p. 1748.
P. Metalnikov, A.A. Kaya, G. Ben-Hamu, D. Eliezer, Effect of Different Hydrogen Fugacities on the Microstructure of Additively Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V, Materials Characterization 205, (2023) p. 113285.
P. Metalnikov, D. Eliezer, G. Ben-Hamu, The Effect of Low Hydrogen Content on Hydrogen Embrittlement of Additively Manufactured 17-4 Stainless Steel, Progress in Additive Manufacturing (2024).