ד"ר מרינה קניאז'נסקי
קורות חיים
2002-2010 Ph.D. in Computer Science, Bar-Ilan University
1998-2001 M.Sc. in Computer Science, Bar-Ilan University
1992-1996 B.A. in Computer Science and Theoretical Physics, Bar-Ilan University
תחומי מחקר
1. Scientific visualization: the modeling, analysis and visualization of scientific processes and complex data
2. Visual Analytics: the integration of analysis and visualization
In the field of:
1. Structural Mechanics and Material Engineering
2. Medical Physics and Cardiovascular Angioplasty
3. Digital Health
Since 2015 B.Sc. program. Computer Architecture I. Computer Architerture II
Since 2007 B.Sc. program. Introduction to Compilation. Automata and Formal Languages