ד"ר דוד טנקוס

ד"ר דוד טנקוס

I am a senior lecturer in the department of software engineering, SCE, Ashdod

In 2001 I submitted my Ph.D. thesis in Tel-Aviv University under the supervision of Prof. Tarsi. The title of my thesis was "Recognizing Greedy Structures"

I am interested in theoretical computer science, combinatorics, graph theory and computational complexity. More precisely, my research is focused on well-covered graphs, i.e. graphs in which all maximal independent sets are of the same cardinality. I am also interested in well-dominated graphs and equistable graphs. Most of my research is joint with Prof. Vadim Levit from Ariel University

In recent years I lectured in SCE the following courses: Introduction to Computer Science, Object Oriented Programming, Advanced Algorithms, Complexity and Intractability


הנדסת תוכנה
מרצה בכיר


דציבל / 2012


1995-2001      Ph.D. in C.S., Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel.

Dissertation title: “Recognizing Greedy Structures”.

Adviser: Prof. Michael  Tarsi.


1991-1993      M.Sc. in C.S., Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel.

Dissertation title: “A Polynomial Time Algorithm for Recognizing Well-Covered Claw-Free Graphs”.

Adviser: Prof. Michael Tarsi.

I received a grant for excellency in studies.    


1988-1991   B.Sc. in mathematics and C.S., Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel.


1985-1987    Kalay high-school in Givataim. At the age of 16 I passed successfully public examinations, and was accepted to the university.


תחומי מחקר

A research about well-covered graphs with Prof. Vadim Levit.
A research about equistable graphs with Dr. Martin Milanic and Prof. Vadim Levit.
A research about path spectrum of trees with Prof. Vadim Levit.


Calculus 1

Calculus 2

Logics and Formal Methods

Software Languages

Introduction to Computer Science

C++ for Electronics

Data Structures

Computer Graphics

Parallel Computation

Advanced Algorithms


Introduction to Algorithms
