ד"ר חיים אטיה
Haim Attia (PhD, 2012 and MSc, 2005 in mathematics at Ben Gurion University), is a lecturer in the mathematics department and since 2011 has served as the academic director of the pre-academic program of Sami Shamoon Academic College of Engineering in Beer Sheva. He is actively engaged in research on operator theory and stochastic processes, as well as exploring mathematics education enhancement in pre-academic programs for potential students of engineering and the sciences. His research publications have appeared in the leading journals of theoretical and applied mathematics


404ז בניין ד' (60)קורות חיים
2008-2012 Ph.D. in Mathematics. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. Adviser: Prof. Alpay, D.
2003-2005 M.Sc.in Mathematical finace. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. Adviser: Prof. Alpay, D.
1999-2003 B.Sc. in Mathematics and Computer Sciences. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel.
1. Realization theorems for stationary multiscale systems.
Linear Algebra and its Applications, vol. 412 (2006), pp.326-347.
2. Une generalization de l’integrale stochastique de Wick-Ito
Comptes-Rendus mathematique (Paris), 346 (2008), pp.261-265.
3. D. Alpay and H. Attia. An interpolation problem for functions with values in a
commutative ring. Operator Theory: Advances and Applications , vol. 218 (2011),
pp. 1-17.
4. D. Alpay, H. Attia and D. Levanony. On the characteristics of a class of Gaussian
processes within the white noise space setting. Stochastic Processes and their
Applications, vol. 120 (issue 7), pp. 1074-1104 (2010).
5. Daniel Alpay, Haim Attia, David Levanony . White noise based stochastic calculus associated with a class of Gaussian processes. Opuscula Mathematica, vol.32/3 (2012) ,pp. 401-422
Differential and Integral Calculus
Linear Algebra
Introduction to Mathematics