ד"ר יורם שוטלנד
קורות חיים
1994-1999 Ph.D. Hebrew University, Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel Ph.D. in Microbiology under the supervision of Prof. Amos Oppenheim. Thesis title: "FtsH an ATP dependent protease".
1991-1994 M.Sc. Technion, Israel institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel. MSc in Molecular Biology under the supervision of Dr. Zeev Lev. Thesis title: "PCR Screening for RAS-Like Genes in Drosophila".
1988-1991 B.Sc. Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel. BSc in Biology, Cum Laude
תחומי מחקר
Currently I am working on the assembly and genomes functional annotation of two different microorganisms. One, Leptolingabia sp. is one of the most dominant species in desert microbiotic crust. Biological sand crusts are found in many deserts around the world. They play an important role in stabilizing sandy areas and affect the vegetation composition. The crusts are formed by adhesion of the sand to extracellular polysaccharides excreted mainly by filamentous cyanobacteria. By functional annotation, genome comparison and carful metabolic pathways examination, we wish to elucidate genes and molecular mechanisms involved in the ability of the microbe to cope with daily cycles of dehydration rehydration. The other, Chlorella ohadii, an alga isolated from biological sand crusts, exhibits uniquely high rates of photosynthesis and growth, as well as resistance to photoinhibition when grown under optimal conditions in liquid cultures. Interestingly, these photosynthesis and growth high rates are not present when the alga is in the sand crust. By using bioinformatics approaches (Genome sequencing, assembly, and functional annotation) we wish to clarify the mechanisms that enable C. ohadii to perform so well under laboratory conditions and on the other hand, to survive yet not flourish in the dunes.
מענקי מחקר
ISF – A newly isolated green alga from desert crusts: what enables its survival in the field and record high growth and photosynthetic rates under optimal conditions? 2011, for four years, 253,500 ₪ each year.
1. Cell biology
2. Introduction to Biotechnology
3. Biochemistry laboratory
4. Immunology
5. Molecular Biology
6. Bioinformatics
7. Microbiology
8. Microbiology laboratory
9. Molecular biology and genetic engineering
10. Molecular biology and genetic engineering laboratory
11. Genetics
12. Separation and Recovery processes in Biotechnology laboratory
13. Principles of Biochemistry Engineering and Bioreactors laboratory
14. Microbiology at the chemical engineering industry