ד"ר ציון מנחם
Dr Zion Menachem is a senior lecturer at the SCE-Sami Shamoon College of Engineering in the department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Beer Sheva. He earned his Ph.D and M.Sc. in the department of engineering from the Tel-Aviv university
His main researches relate to the improved methods for the propagation of electromagnetic (EM) fields along the straight, toroidal and helical waveguides with rectangular or circular profile (or periodic profile) in the cross section.The applications are useful in the cases of straight, toroidal and helical waveguides in the millimeter and infrared regimes
קורות חיים
2005-2007: Post Doctoral Research Fellow, Ben Gurion University of the Negev. Adviser: Prof. Michael Mond.
1999-2004: Ph.D. in Department of Solid Mechanics, Materials and Systems, Faculty of Enginnering, Tel Aviv University.
Dissertation title: Improved mode model for wave Propagation in a curved dielectric waveguide and applications. Advisers: Prof. Jacob Aboudi and Prof. Nathan Croitoru.
1993-1997: M.Sc. in Department of Physical Electronics, Faculty of Engineering, Tel Aviv University, Israel.
Dissertation title: Matrix transfer function (MTF) for wave propagation in dielectric waveguides with arbitrary transvers profiles. Adviser: Prof. Eli Jerby.
1990-1992: High-school Mathematics teacher in Yad Eliahu school, Israel, Studying competions in Electrical Engineering, and helping children with their homeworks at Kfar Hayarok Boarding school.
1987-1989: Studying competions in Faculty of Exact Science, School of Physics and Asronomy, Tel Aviv University, Israel.
1982-1986: B.Sc. in School of Physics and Astronomy, and Teaching Certificate in junior hight school in Tel Aviv University, Israel.
תחומי מחקר
The researches relate to the improved methods for the propagation of electromagnetic (EM) fields along the straight, toroidal and helical waveguides with rectangular or circular profile (or periodic profile) in the cross section. The calculations are based on using Laplace and Fourier transforms, and the output fields are computed by the inverse Laplace and Fourier transforms. Laplace transform on the differential wave equations is needed to obtain the wave equations and the output fields that are expressed directly as functions of the transmitted fields at the entrance of the waveguide. Thus, the Laplace transform is necessary to obtain the comfortable and simple input-output connections of the fields. A Fourier transform is applied on the transverse dimension and the differential equations are transformed into an algebraic form. The equations describe the transfer relations between the spatial spectrum components of the output and input waves in the dielectric waveguides. The methods and the applications are useful in the cases of straight, toroidal and helical waveguides in the millimeter and infrared regimes.