ד"ר אורי קושניר

ד"ר אורי קושניר


הנדסת בניין


בני ברית 220

רשתות חברתיות


עמודים אישיים



2004-2009   Direct Ph.D. in Civil Engineering.  Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Israel.  Dissertation title: Physical Nonlinearity in Piezoelectric Active and Smart Structures – From Micromechanics to Engineering

2005            Magister in Civil Engineering.  The Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Israel.  For completing the requirements for a Magister degree as part of a direct Ph.D. 

1999-2003        B.Sc. (Summa cum Laude) in Civil Engineering.  The Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Israel.

תחומי מחקר

Coastal Processes
Remote Sensing – Marine Applications
Marine Acoustics
Ocean wave measurement and modeling
Electromechanical coupling in continuum mechanics


List of publications


Peer reviewed papers

Kushnir, U. and Rabinovitch, O. (2007) "Grain Orientation Scattering In the Nonlinear Constitutive Modeling of Piezoelectric-Ferroelectric Materials", Journal of Intelligent Materials Systems and Structures 18(11): 1149-1163.
Kushnir, U. and Rabinovitch, O. (2008) "Nonlinear Piezoelectric and Ferroelectric Actuators – Analysis and Potential Advantages" Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 19(9):1077-1088.
Kushnir, U. and Rabinovitch, O. (2008) "A Multiscale Approach to Nonlinearity in Piezoelectric-Ferroelectric Smart Structures – From Micromechanics to Engineering", International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering,  6(5): 451-468
Kushnir, U. and Rabinovitch, O. (2009) "A Principle of Virtual Work and Governing Equations for Nonlinear Ferro-Electro-Elasticity" Acta Mechanica       202(1-4): 163-179.
Kushnir, U. and Rabinovitch, O. (2009) "Advanced Piezoelectric-Ferroelectric Stack Actuator" Sensors and Actuators – A / Physical, A150(1):102-109.
Kushnir, U. and Rabinovitch, O. (2009) "Nonlinear Ferro-Electro-Elastic Beam Theory" International Journal of Solids and Structures, 46(11-12): 2397-2406.
Kushnir, U. and Rabinovitch, O. (2011) "Electrical Body Forces and Electrical Tractions in the Nonlinear Response of Piezoelectric-Ferroelectric Actuators" European Journal of Mechanics – A/Solids, 30(2):137-144.



Papers and abstracts – proceedings of conferences


Invited conference plenary lectures
Kushnir, U. and Rabinovitch, O. (2009) "Physical, Analytical, and Computational Multiscales in Piezoelectric-Ferroelectric Structural Analysis" (2) Invited lecture in: ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Nov. 11–19, 2009, Lake Buena Vista, FL.


Contributed conference presentations
Kushnir U. and Rabinovitch, O. (2008) "Advanced ferroelectric MFC actuators: the effect of ferro-elastic domain switching" 9th Biennial ASME Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis (ESDA 2008) – July 7-9 2008, Haifa, Israel.




Kushnir, U. and Rabinovitch, O. “Ferroelectric Stack Actuator and Shape Control Algorithm”, US Patent No. 8,138,658.

Other publications/reports


איל לוין ואורי קושניר, בחינת היתכנות צינור למתקן התפלה באזור עכו, חוות דעת, יולי 2012
איל לוין ואורי קושניר, בחינת השימוש במי צפון מפרץ עכו כמי גלם למפעל התפלה, חוות דעת, אוק' 2012
אנא לוין, דפנה פיינגולד, תומר הדרי, עידו סלע, שמרית פרקול-פינקל, אפרת מיידר, ענבר שורץ, מיכאל סלדקביץ, מיכאל גלוזמן, אורי קושניר, ואליעזר קיט. דוח ניטור לאחר גמר העמקת תעלת הכניסה הימית לנמל חיפה. פ.מ. 799/14. 2014
Levine, A. Sladkevich, M. Glozman, M. Keren, Y. Kushnir, U. Kit, E. "Processing of Hydrographic Data for the West Galili Region". Interim Report, P.N. 831/16. 2016.