פרופ' לאוניד אוסטר
Prof. Leonid Oster has developed mechanisms and applications of exoelectron emission from insulating materials, which permits one to proposed the experimental criteria for systematization of exoelectron emission mechanism
Prof. L.Oster and his coauthors have developed a theory of dose response, the Unified Interaction Model which is capable of explaining all the important features of the supralinearity and sensitization of the various TL glow peaks in LiF:Mg,Ti in a unified mathematical and physical framework
These studies lead Prof. L.Oster to a very well suited to research in this are with many publications and word-wide recognition
Prof. L.Oster was a member in International Professional Commitees. He is serving as a referee in International Scientific Journals, one of Chief Editor for two volumes of Radiation Protection Dosimetry (RPD) and a member of the Editorial Board of RPD
Prof. Leonid Oster is serving as the Head of Physics Unit at Sami Shamoon College of Engineering
301ט בניין ד' (60)עמודים אישיים
המחקר במכללות בישראלקורות חיים
1981-1986 Ph.D. in Physics. University of Tashkent, USSR.
1973-1978 M.Sc. in Physics. University of Tashkent, USSR.
תחומי מחקר
1. The mechanism of exoelectron emission and luminescence of ionic crystals
2. Characterisation of Advanced TL Materials.
3. Optical characteristics of materials used for creation of optical fibers in IR
spectral range .
4. The relationship of exoelectron emission and luminescence to phase
transitions in high temperature superconductors.
5. Influence of surface perturbations on exoelectron emission and luminescence of solids; the role of point (including surface) defects in the formation of exoemission and luminescence properties of solids; development of exoelectron and luminescence dosimeters.
6. Spectroscopy of biocompatible materials
7. Development of "The Unified Interaction-Kinetic-Track Structure Model"
8. Radiation induced thermoluminescence; TL kinetics; optical spectroscopy
of TL and OSL materials.
B.Sc. program. Introduction in Physics 1.
B.Sc. program. Introduction in Physics 2.
B.Sc. program. Physics 1.
B.Sc. program. Physics 2.
מענקי מחקר
2009 – 2013 Oster, L. (SCE- Sami Shamoon College of Engineering). Single element high ionization density discrimination space and clinical dosimetry based on
combined thermally stimulated and optically stimulated complex defect system". Israel Science Foundation (ISF).
2005 – 2006 Oster, L. (SCE- Sami Shamoon College of Engineering). Optical Spectroscopy from Ultrathin Films and Quantum Silicon Dots Structures". Grant from Tel- Aviv University.
2004 – 2005 Oster, L. (SCE- Sami Shamoon College of Engineering). Optical Spectroscopy from High-K Dielectric Materials for VLSI”. Grant from Tel-Aviv University.
1999 – 2002 Oster, L. (SCE- Sami Shamoon College of Engineering), Horowitz, Y.S. Ben-Gurion University) Development of a Solid State,Tissue-Equivalent, Microdosimeter Based on LiF:Mg,Ti. United States - Israel Bi-National Science Foundation (BSF).
1997 – 2000 Oster, L. (SCE- Sami Shamoon College of Engineering). Development of a Stable, Highly Efficient LiF:Mg,Cu,P Thermoluminescent Material". Rashi Foundation.
1994 -1995 Oster, L. (Ben-Gurion University). Mechanisms of Thermoluminescence in LiF:Mg,Ti". C'tee for Budgets and Planning-BGU, Faculty of Natural Sciences Seed Funding.
שת"פ תעשייה
Research collaborations with :
Soreq Nuclear Research Center
Nuclear Research Center, Negev