ד"ר מירב עמרם טופול

ד"ר מירב עמרם טופול

I am an algebraic geometer and work in classification of algebraic curves and surfaces

Algebraic curves: degenerations, branch curves, invariants of surfaces, fundamental groups

Algebraic curves: Zariski pairs, monodromy


היחידה למתמטיקה
מרצה בכירה



עמודים אישיים

Google Scholar


2002-2005 Postdoctoral fellow, Hebrew University, Israel, Advisor: Prof. Ruth Lawrence, Prof. Ehud De-Shalit, Prof. Hershel Farkas.
2001-2002 Postdoctoral fellow, University of Erlangen-Nuernberg, Germany, Advisor: Prof. Wolf Barth, Prof. Herbert Lange.
1995-2001 Ph.D. in Mathematics. Bar-Ilan University, Israel, Dissertation title: Galois covers of algebraic surfaces, Advisor: Prof. Mina Teicher.
1992-1995 M.Sc. in Mathematics, Bar-Ilan University, Israel, Dissertation title: Braid group and braid monodromy, Advisor: Prof. Mina Teicher.
1990-1993 Mathematics Teaching Certificate. Bar-Ilan University, Israel.
1989-1992 B.Sc. in Mathematics (major), Sociology-Anthropology (minor), Bar-Ilan University, Israel.

תחומי מחקר

Research Interests: Algebraic Geometry, Algebra, Geometry, Topology

Research domain: classification of algebraic curves and surfaces

מענקי מחקר


Grant of `The Israeli-Russian Federation Scientific Cooperation'
Title: Geometry and topology of singular algebraic varieties

Partners: Garber D. (HIT), Kulikov V. (Steklov Institute, Moscow, Russia)




Grant of ISF

Title: Topological method in classification of algebraic curves and surfaces

Partners: Tan S.L. (East China Normal University, Shanghai, China) with NSFC



2011-2017 and 2020-2023

Competitive internal research grants from SCE


Calculus 1 & 2
Linear Algebra
Differential Equations


To my publications in Google Scholar - Click here

To my publications in ArXiv - Click here

ORCID number: 0000-0003-4912-4672